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4 Affordable Ride-Hailing Apps in Nigeria

4 Affordable Ride-Hailing Apps in Nigeria

The convenience of ride-hailing apps and their cabs is unrivalled, but they can be so expensive. From running to enter the bus to sitting in a cramped space to annoying agberos and conductors, public transport can be a hassle.

Here we will be sharing the best and cheapest means of transportation, especially in December when they are so expensive.

4 Affordable Ride-Hailing Apps in Nigeria

1. Rida

You’re more likely to find a driver on Rida than on any other app. This is because the driver doesn’t have to share a large percentage with the ride-hailing company.

2. Shuttlers

This app and company are only in Lagos for now, but they make commuting to and from work so easy. It’s essentially a ride-sharing app or a car rental service, so you and your friends can book for it even when going to a party.

3. InDrive

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When inDrive came on board, it was really cheap. Nowadays, it’s not as cheap as it used to be, but it’s still better than others since surge prices don’t apply. You will also find a lot of drivers on this app because the percentage sharing with the company is low.

4. Uber

Uber reigns as one of the cheapest ride-hailing companies. Getting an Uber might be a hassle, but you’re sure the price isn’t going to be cutthroat. Plus, your security is more assured when you use an Uber.

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