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4 Natural Foods That Turn Toxic When Refrigerated 

4 Natural Foods That Turn Toxic When Refrigerated 

1. Peeled garlic

“Never buy peeled garlic and refrigerate it,” Dr. Jangda warned. “It starts catching mold very quickly. Garlic mold has actually been linked with cancer.

water-rich” crop, garlic is known to absorb moisture from the refrigerator air, making it more susceptible to growing mold. Not only are early stages of mold linked to “chest tightness, coughing, wheezing” and other symptoms upon ingestion but late-stage productions of”mycotoxin” have been linked with cancer. 

2. Onions

Along with garlic, onions are often mistakenly placed in the refrigerator by the average consumer. Whether it’s an entire onion, or just a left-over section from cooking, onions are known to draw in bacteria from their environment. 

“When someone is ill at home, we even place a slice of onion in the corner of the room to collect all the bacteria.

3. Fresh ginger 

“Ginger starts catching mold very quickly when you refrigerate it,” she informed viewers. “That has been linked with kidney and liver failure.

See Also

4. Cooked rice 

“Lots of people have started keeping cooked rice in the refrigerator, because of the resistance to starch,” Dr. Jangda said. “However, rice is one of the ingredients that catches mold the fastest. If you’re going to refrigerate it — not longer than 24 hours.” 

With the ability to grow mold very easily, leftover rice has the potential to turn toxic much faster in the refrigerator than other foods.

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