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5 Benefits of Moringa

5 Benefits of Moringa

Also known as the drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree, people have used moringa for centuries due to its health benefits.

In this article, find out what moringa is, which benefits it might offer, and possible side effects.

Moringa contains many essential compounds, such as:

vitamin A

vitamin B1 (thiamine)

vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

vitamin B3 (niacin)

vitamin C (ascorbic acid)






It is also low in fat and contains no harmful cholesterol.

5 benefits

1. Protecting and nourishing skin and hair

Research involving animals has suggested moringa seed oil may help heal skin wounds more quickly. One way it might do this is by reducing oxidative stress.

Moringa seed oil may also have benefits for hair health, according to some experts.

However, more studies are needed, especially those involving humans.

2. Treating edema

Edema is when fluid builds up in body tissues, for instance, because of inflammation. Ear edema can cause tissue swelling around the ear, usually because of an infection.

In one study, applying moringa seed oil reduced skin inflammation in mice with ear edema. This suggests the anti-inflammatory properties of moringa may help treat ear edema, although more research is needed.

3. Protecting the liver

Moringa might help protect the liver against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

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In one study, researchers fed guinea pigs a diet containing moringa leaves. Those that consumed a higher concentration of moringa had lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and less inflammation in their liver.

4. Preventing and treating cancer

Moringa contains properties that might help prevent cancer. For example, it contains niazimicin, a compound that suppresses the development of cancer cells.

According to some scientists extracts of moringa leaf, bark, and other parts of the plant may have properties that can kill cancer cells. If further research confirms this, they could prove useful in treating breast, liver, colorectal, and other cancers.

5. Treating stomach upset

Moringa extracts might help treat some stomach disorders.

For instance:

The fibrous pods can benefit digestive health and may help prevent colon cancer.

Moringa leaves have shown a laxative effect, making moringa a possible option for constipation.

In one study, moringa reduced stomach acidity by around 85%, suggesting it could prevent peptic ulcers.

Moringa’s antibiotic and antibacterial properties may help prevent the growth of pathogens that can cause infections.

Moringa may help prevent ulcerative colitis as its anti-inflammatory effects may protect the digestive system from damage.

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