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5 Skills For The Future

5 Skills For The Future

A September survey from Gallup uncovered that at least 22 percent of full-time American workers feared that AI would reduce their salaries and benefits, or replace and eliminate their jobs at the very worst.

Adapt to AI and Automation

With artificial intelligence becoming the new norm, it is essential to stay one step ahead of the game, whether you are an advocate for it or not. If you are exploring a completely new career, machine learning and AI programming might be valuable options to consider, especially since they pay considerably high salaries

Upskill your soft skills
Soft skills still play a significant role in the workplace, regardless of automation, therefore the value of developing these skills can never be underestimated or replaced by artificial intelligence. Soft skills are highly prized by employers, and there is an intentional and increasing trend to transition to skills-based hiring above mere qualifications and experience

Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence consists of one’s ability to perceive and process the emotions of themselves and others, while effectively managing their own. Empathy, active listening, self-awareness, resilience, and passion, are qualities that enrich the human experience, enabling valuable connections to be formed and business relationships to be maintained

Leadership is a set of skills and qualities beyond mere technical ability, that motivates people into action while driving and enabling transformative change. Whether the team you lead consists of five people or a global team of 5,000, possessing a combination of strategy, conflict resolution, coaching, empathy, decision-making, and performance management skills to incentivize and drive record performance is critical to your success as a leader or manager.

See Also
Epidurals: The injections That Gives Painless Labour

Problem Solving

Thinking outside the box to resolve issues and to predict and mitigate potential risks is critical to business and career success. AI tools such as ChatGPT, for example, may be able to provide you with some answers to your questions, but they are limited to a variety of factors. For example, its knowledge base does not extend beyond September 2021 at the time of writing, and it is capable of generating biased, inaccurate, and sometimes discriminatory results that do not take into consideration the breadth of human knowledge beyond its training.

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