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5 Unhealthy Snacks Almost All Nigerians Enjoy

5 Unhealthy Snacks Almost All Nigerians Enjoy

5 Unhealthy Snacks Almost All Nigerians Enjoy

Every Nigerian loves this roadside staple, but do they know it’s quite unhealthy and even deadly? Here are five snacks Nigerians need to stay away from:


Almost everyone loves shawarma. The marinated strips cut off from a revolving cone of meat already have fat running through them and will receive additional fat during the cooking process.

The meat has been extensively seasoned, which raises the sodium content. The health consequences of eating chicken, sausages, and cream make it a high-calorie meal, and cabbage doesn’t miraculously make shawarma healthy.


Red meat increases the risk of dying from many health conditions.

According to research, eating red meat like suya also increases the risk of dying from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Additionally, eating beef, lamb, and pork makes you more vulnerable to infections, kidney, liver, and lung illnesses.


There is evidence that eating roasted foods like boli can increase your risk of developing certain cancers, like colon and pancreatic cancer.

According to studies, the charred or blackened parts of boli include chemicals like acrylamide, which may increase the risk of developing cancer by altering DNA.

Boli is usually eaten with an oily stew or sauce, which may cause hyperlipidemia (abnormally high levels of fat or cholesterol) and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to the deposition of fats).

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The high sodium content in this dried meat, similar to beef jerky, can lead to kidney failure and high blood pressure.

The environment in which the Kilishi is prepared is also important. Sometimes, the meat surface gets contaminated during slaughtering, dressing, and cutting.

During cutting and drying, it can be contaminated with non-pathogenic bacteria that cause spoilage, like Coliforms and Escherichia coli, and pathogenic microorganisms like Escherichia coli, and Salmonella, and this causes food poisoning.

White bread

White bread can cause a blood sugar surge due to its high glycemic index. White bread is particularly harmful to diabetics since a sudden change in blood sugar level can be deadly. Plus, its high calories make it a no-no if you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

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