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Coca-cola is the biggest brand in the history of brands and products. It is an inter-continental soda consumed all over the world. No matter how much we love the drink, it contains a lot of chemicals and acids that can be harmful to our health. It is said that people who consume this Coca-cola inculcate dependence on caffeine and deficiency of important minerals like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A. When you are not drinking your Coke, here are some fantastic uses of Coca-Cola.

  1. Window Cleaner

Wipe down windows with Coke to remove grease and dirt without overusing chemical and toxin-ridden household cleaners. One of the main ingredients in Coke is citric acid. Citric acid is an excellent cleanser, widely used for cleaning glass windowpanes. All you have to do is soak a cloth with Coke and rub your window with it and then wash the glass pane with water to ensure that no residue of the sugary beverage is present on the glass.

  1. Car Care

Coke can be used to clean car battery terminals; the slight acidity does not react with battery acid, so you can pour it over the battery and let it wash away the corrosion. Coke can also be used to defrost a frozen windshield and a liberal amount of cola poured over the windshield and bumper can help remove bugs and road debris (always rinse with clean water to avoid damaging the car’s paint job).

  1. Cooking

Coke can be used for a variety of cooking techniques. You can mix it half and half with BBQ sauce for an excellent marinade, and you can even casserole an entire chicken in it. The sugars give a deep glossy coating and caramelized flavor, while the citric acid (found in lemons) gives a nice tang. Coke also makes a great glaze for baked ham.

  1. Clean a Toilet Bowl

For the rusty and moldy nooks and crannies, add a can of Coke into the mix to help hasten the cleaning process. Let it be for an hour in order for the acids in the Coke to break down the stains. Use a brush to scrub the toilet bowl and flush it. Most of the stains should have been dissolved by the phosphoric acid in the Coke.

  1. Clothing Stain Remover

Pour Coke right on top of a stain and let it soak. The stain will slightly discolor, but after you throw the apparel into the wash, it will come out clean.

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  1. Reduces Mosquito Bite Itching

Rubbing Coca-Cola on the skin provides instant relief from itching caused by mosquito bites. The beverage works by destroying the insect saliva that triggers the local allergic reaction.

  1. Gum Remover

If a gum has been stuck to your hair, you need not worry. Just pour some coke on the gum and let it sit for a few minutes, you will see that it becomes easier for you to pick that gum off your hair.

  1. Bug Killer

Even though bugs are drawn to Coke, once they venture into the liquid, they meet their demise. If you want to get rid of an ant hill destroying your patio or rid of roaches from cabinets and nooks in the attic or basement, spray bugs with Coke.

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