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Best Books to Read in Your 20’s – Part 2

Best Books to Read in Your 20’s – Part 2

top books

This is a continuation of the first part, if you haven’t read it, you should totally check it out.

Your twenties are one of the most defining times of your life but most people struggle with many new challenges.

That’s why I’ve created this list of the best books to read in your 20s. These books will help you to get unstuck and prepare you for challenges down the line.

So, let’s dive in!

1: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferarri by Robin Sharma

Improving yourself and seeing the success you achieve from it is fun. And maybe you even achieve some of the symbols of wealth, like a Ferrari.

But success isn’t only about the stuff you can get.

In this book, you will learn about Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer who struggles with lots of stress. In other words: though he is successful, he isn’t enjoying it.

And what is worse than achieving everything, but not feeling successful?

He decides to quit his career and live as a monk for some time. This book tells you about his lessons as a monk. These lessons prepare you for success and also to feel successful.

So if you want success without sacrificing satisfaction and joy, then you will want to read the life-changing principles in this book.

2: Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Most people look for the big secret or breakthrough to achieve success. But in reality, success comes from the small things you do every day.

You are a bundle of your habits.

So your best shot at making change and achieving success is to develop empowering habits. Because small consistent actions will add up to the big stuff.

So if you want to achieve big things, then Atomic Habits is a must-read in your 20s.

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3: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Emotional intelligence often stands in the shadow of IQ. You don’t learn much about it in school and it doesn’t seem too important when looking for a job.

But here is the truth:

Your emotional intelligence is one of the biggest factors that determines how much success you will achieve. Especially with the current changes in the world.

Not only is emotional intelligence important in your relationships, but it also helps you to understand yourself. It helps you to deal with setbacks, challenges, stress, and anxiety.

Schools fail to teach you about this stuff…

Which makes this one of the best books to read in your 20s.

4: Think and Grow Rich

See Also

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Did you know that the biggest battles for success take place in your head?

That’s exactly what this book is about.

It will help you to think about what you want and then put it into a plan of action. And though this book is over 80 years old, the information in it is still relevant today.

I recommend this book to everyone who is just starting on their journey to success.

5: The 4 Disciplines of Execution

The 4 Disciplines of Execution

What is the difference in life between those who succeed and those who do not?


Success is simple: those who take action achieve more than those who do not.

But though it sounds simple, execution is hard. We all lose focus from time to time. Everyone procrastinates. And we all experience fear, doubt, and insecurity.

This book focuses on the most important aspects to help you take more action. Through the four disciplines, you will learn how to take massive action.

And the more action you take early in life, the more experience you gain. That’s why this book is a must-read in your twenties.

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