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5 Sacred Animals That Are Worshipped Around the World

5 Sacred Animals That Are Worshipped Around the World

Animal worship, also called zoolatry is a ritual which involves extreme or excessive devotion to animals. In many cultures worldwide, certain animals hold a special place of reverence and respect, regarded as sacred beings.

People deeply honour these animals and many even worship them. They don’t sacrifice or eat them because they believe these creatures to be holy or that they represent divine beings.
The belief in animals as sacred beings goes back a long time, with ancient civilizations attributing divine qualities to the animals they lived with. As a result, many legends and stories about these revered creatures have been created.

Here are five of those animals that are believed to be sacred and worshipped in different parts of the world.

Cats in Egypt

Cats also had a strong presence in ancient Egyptian mythology. Many gods and goddesses were depicted with cat heads, representing power and wealth. Among these deities was the goddess Bastet, also known as Bast. Bastet was portrayed as a goddess with the body of a woman and the head of a cat, often wearing a single gold earring. She was revered as a protective deity associated with joy and fertility.

Snakes in Northern America

Native Americans perceived snakes as sacred animals for various reasons. They symbolized fertility and were associated with the idea of rebirth due to their ability to shed their skin. Interestingly, the concept of snakes as sacred animals originated in ancient India and later influenced the Aztecs and other Native American cultures.
Today, the Hopi people of North America continue to honor snakes through their traditional snake dances. These ceremonies unite the spirits of two serpents and renew the fertility of nature.

Goats in Syria

The Damascus goats particularly are revered by the Syrians. They are considered sacred animals for several reasons.
They possess a calm appearance and produce a massive quantity of milk. The female Damascus goats are known for giving birth to triplets and quadruplets.

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Cows in India

For centuries, cows have been considered sacred animals in India. They are highly respected and valued as one of the most influential animals in the world when it comes to animal worship. According to Indian beliefs, cows are seen as a source of goodness. The milk they produce is beneficial for all creatures, symbolizing the nurturing qualities of Mother Earth.
In Indian folklore and mythology, the deity named Krishna spent his life taking care of cows. While Hindus don’t worship cows directly, they consider them holy and hold them in high regard. This means that they don’t use cow meat for food as many other cultures do.
Indians have always seen cows as sacred animals and hold them in high regard.

Tigers in Korea

In South Korea, tigers are highly revered. They are seen as symbols of power and superiority, commanding respect and admiration.
In South Korea, it is believed that white tigers had the special ability to keep away evil spirits and protect humans from harm. This made them even more sacred and important in the culture.
Not only were tigers feared in South Korea, but they were also respected, and that’s how they became sacred animals.

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