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How to Make Delicious Nigerian Akara

How to Make Delicious Nigerian Akara

How to Make Delicious Nigerian Akara

Akara is a popular and delicious Nigerian food made from beans.

Akara originated from the western region of Nigeria and has since become a widely accepted food by all people, regardless of the tribe.
The ingredients you will need for this delicious homemade snacks

cups of beans
1 onion
Chilli peppers to taste
Ground crayfish (optional)
Seasoning (Salt and Maggi)
Vegetable oil (for frying)


Soak the beans
Select the beans, rinse thoroughly and soak them in water for 30 minutes to an hour. This will soften the beans and make them easier to blend.

Remove the skins
Drain the soaked beans and rub them between your palms to remove the skins. The skins will come off, leaving you with the whiter part of the peeled beans.

Blend the beans
In a blender or food processor, blend the onions, and chilli peppers together until you get a smooth paste. You can add a little water to aid the blending process if needed but try not to make the mixture too watery.

Add seasoning
Stir in the ground crayfish (if using) and seasoning into the blended mixture. Mix well to ensure the seasoning is evenly distributed.

See Also

Heat the oil
In a deep pot or frying pan, heat enough vegetable oil for deep frying. The oil should be hot. Test the temperature by dropping a small amount of the bean mixture into the oil; it should sizzle and rise to the surface.

Fry the akara
Using a deep spoon, scoop up a small portion of the bean mixture and carefully drop it into the hot oil.
Fry until the akara turns golden brown on all sides.

Drain the oil and serve
Once the akara is fried till golden brown, remove it from the oil and place it on a sieve to drain excess oil. Repeat the frying process until all the bean mixture is used up.

Your tasty Akara is ready to be served

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