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New ChatGPT-powered app lets users chat with Jesus, apostles, other biblical martyrs 

New ChatGPT-powered app lets users chat with Jesus, apostles, other biblical martyrs 

Cat Loaf Software, An app development company in Los Angeles is behind the latest app which features many biblical characters, from Jesus to Judas and the rest of the apostles, and even First Testament protagonists like Ruth, Job, and Abraham’s nephew, Lot.

The app, which was launched recently has been receiving numerous mixed reactions, with some Christians saying its development could amount to blasphemy, while others make fun of the app and how it impersonates the biblical characters.

According to Stéphane Peter, CEO of Cat Loaf Software, Text with Jesus is just another way to explore the scriptures of the Bible. However, some people are not buying that explanation.

Some of the concerns raised about the app include that Jesus, for instance, has supposedly been speaking in a stiff manner, while many other religious leaders impersonated have been trained to steer clear of controversial topics like gender identity, pronouns, and sexual orientation.

“I updated it so it can speak more like a regular person and ensured it didn’t forget that it’s supposed to get stuff from the Bible. It’s a constant trick to find the right balance,” quotes Peter to have said in reaction to some of the concerns raised about Text with Jesus.

The app is basically ChatGPT which has been trained on the Bible. After inviting numerous church leaders to test out a beta version of it, Cat Loaf Software reportedly made several enhancements, including adding Bible chapter and verse references to the app.

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Meanwhile, Text with Jesus contains certain functions for generating revenue. For instance, a monthly charge is necessary to unlock some of the listed Biblical figures if users want to chat with them. It charges $2.99 per month to access Mary Magdalene for instance.

Some critics claim that developing such an app might cause a belittling of Christianity and some of the biblical characters such as Jesus who are considered sacred.

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