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Anthrax Outbreak in Nigeria: All You Need To Know

Anthrax Outbreak in Nigeria: All You Need To Know

Anthrax disease outbreak has been in Nigeria, with a confirmed case detected on a mixed livestock farm in Niger State. 

As authorities investigate the source of the infection and its potential spread to other farms and humans, it is vital to be informed about this severe disease that affects both animals and humans.

Below is everything you need to know about the disease:

  • Anthrax is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis and can infect both humans and animals, including livestock and wild animals like cows, pigs, camels, sheep, and goats. The bacteria exist as spores and can be found in the soil, wool, or hair of infected animals.
  • Anthrax spores are highly resistant and can survive in the environment for decades, making disease control and eradication challenging. Wet weather, deep digging, or ingestion by grazing animals can bring spores to the surface.
  • Humans can contract anthrax through direct contact with infected animals’ wounds or cuts, eating raw or undercooked meat of infected animals, or inhaling the spores.
  • In animals, anthrax exhibits symptoms such as high fever, weakness, loss of appetite, bleeding from body openings, swelling, difficulty breathing, and bloody diarrhoea. Most cases result in sudden death, and the animal’s blood does not clot during slaughter.
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