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The Founders of Quora and How Much They Make 

The Founders of Quora and How Much They Make 

Quora a question-and-answer website. Users can ask questions on a wide range of topics, and other users can answer them. The answers are then voted on by the community, with the most helpful and informative answers rising to the top. Quora is also used as a platform for sharing knowledge and learning.

Quora was co-founded by two former Facebook employees, Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever.

Charlie stepped down as an operator in the company in 2012 and Adam D’Angelo still serves as the company’s CEO.

The company is still privately owned, and there’s not much information out about their P&L’s, but it doesn’t seem like the company has ever turned a profit over the last 12 years.

Which means the only money either of the co-founders have earned from the business has been their salaries.

That being said, Quora was valued at $2 billion in a recent funding round, and is set to go public over the next few months with a potential valuation of as much as $4 billion.

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Which means Adam and Charlie’s stock could be worth at least a few hundred million, depending on how much of the company they still own.

According to a recent study out of Goldman, investing up to 33% of your portfolio into real assets like gold, real estate, and even blue chip art could potentially help Adam and Charlie protect those Quora profits, and even help them grow their portfolios faster.

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