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The Benefits of Taking Fish Oil Supplements

The Benefits of Taking Fish Oil Supplements

The importance of fish oil supplements can not be over emphasized. If you believe wellness podcasts and social media, inflammation is something to be avoided at all costs. But despite the term’s dreaded reputation, it’s rarely ever clearly defined.

The Benefits of Taking Fish Oil Supplements

Luckily, there are a host of foods, plants, and ingredients that have been proven to help do just that—among them, tumeric, olive oil and maybe even cannabis. But there’s one substance that’s surprisingly beneficial—and also surprisingly often overlooked. And that’s fish oil.

Why fish oil good for you?

It’s all about the omega-3 fatty acids—and fish oil is full of them. “Fish oil is made from the tissue of oily fish and contains omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are essential nutrients for optimal health

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Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to reduce inflammation by essentially helping to regulate the inflammatory response and that’s not even half of it. “Omega-3 fatty acids offer numerous additional benefits such as enhanced brain function, reduced joint pain, better eye health, and even improved skin appearance.

Omega-3’s are also extremely important when it comes to matters of the heart—at least in terms of health. “Consuming dietary sources of omega-3s like fish and seafood promotes heart health and may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease,” And, larger doses of long-chain omega-3 supplements, like fish oil, are effective in reducing triglyceride levels—especially for those with existing heart disease.”

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