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List of Soaps and Lotions Banned in Nigeria

List of Soaps and Lotions Banned in Nigeria

Soaps and lotions are essentials when it comes to cleaning the body or another step in your morning routine; the wrong one can be life-threatening.

Last year, the National Agency for Food Drugs, Administration, and Control (NAFDAC) put circulars on some banned lotions and seized some banned soups. Though much still needs to be done, this is a welcome development.

Banned Soaps:

Crusader soap

Mekako antiseptic soap

Montclaire soap

Amira Soap

Banned Lotion

Sheesha Beauty Cream

Dona White Extra Whitening Lotion

Airee Beautycare Night Cream

Armilla Beauty Kak-ELL Pigment Booster

See Also

Here’s why you should avoid these:

  • Mercury poisoning: These banned soaps and lotions contain mercury, which can cause serious health problems like:
  • Skin damage (rashes, discolouration)
  • Organ damage (kidneys, liver)
  • Brain damage (memory loss, depression)
  • Birth defects

When you are shopping for soaps and lotions, NAFDAC warns that you need to look out for and avoid these ingredients: 

Betamethasone, hydroquinone, and mercury. They are potent steroids and skincare ingredients that should only be used under medical supervision.

Betamethasone can cause high blood pressure, cataracts, infections, and Cushing’s syndrome.

Hydroquinone is used in prescription medicines for skin conditions but should only be used under medical supervision.

Mercury is toxic and should not be used in cosmetic products, as it can cause skin discolouration and organ damage.

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