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Popular Tech Words and Their Meaning

Popular Tech Words and Their Meaning

1.  Metaverse: A virtual reality world where you can explore and interact with computer-generated environments and other people.

2.  Deepfake: Fake media, like photos or videos, that looks real but is actually created using advanced technology to manipulate or create it.

3.  Internet of Things (IoT): The network of everyday objects, like devices and appliances, that are connected to the internet and can communicate with each other.

4.  Augmented Reality (AR): Technology that adds digital information, like images or videos, to the real world to enhance what you see and interact with. 

5.  Virtual Reality (VR): A technology that creates a computer-generated environment that you can explore and interact with as if you were really there.

6.  Cryptocurrency: Digital money that uses special technology to keep it secure and allows you to make transactions online without using traditional banks.

7.  Blockchain: A type of digital ledger that keeps records of transactions across many computers, making it transparent, secure, and hard to change.

8.  Artificial Intelligence (AI): Computer systems that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, like recognising images, understanding speech, making decisions, and                                 understanding and responding to language.

9.  Machine Learning: A type of AI that helps computers learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed for every task.

10. 5G: The latest generation of wireless technology that offers faster internet speeds, lower delay in communication, and better connectivity for your devices.
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