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Ditch the Nutella: 5 Delicious Chocolate Bread Alternatives to Try

Ditch the Nutella: 5 Delicious Chocolate Bread Alternatives to Try

Ah, Nutella – that chocolatey, hazelnut spread that’s become a breakfast staple for many. While it’s undeniably delicious, the truth is that Nutella is loaded with sugar, making it a less-than-ideal option for those looking to cut back on their sweet intake.

But don’t worry, chocolate lovers – there are plenty of other ways to get your chocolate fix on your morning toast or baked goods. Here are 5 tasty alternatives to Nutella that pack way less sugar:

Homemade Chocolate Nut Butter
Skip the store-bought stuff and make your own chocolate nut butter at home. Blend together roasted nuts (like almonds, cashews or hazelnuts) with a touch of cocoa powder, a pinch of salt and just a drizzle of honey or maple syrup. You’ll get all the chocolatey goodness with a fraction of the sugar.

Avocado Cocoa Spread
Avocados aren’t just for guacamole – their creamy texture makes them the perfect base for a healthier chocolate spread. Mash up some ripe avocados and mix in unsweetened cocoa powder, a splash of vanilla extract and a tiny bit of honey or maple syrup. Spread it on toast for a delightfully indulgent breakfast.

Banana Cocoa Mash
Bananas are nature’s candy, so they make a great low-sugar alternative to sugary chocolate spreads. Mash up a ripe banana and stir in some unsweetened cocoa powder. The natural sweetness of the banana pairs perfectly with the rich chocolate flavor.

Dark Chocolate Chia Pudding
For a pudding-like chocolate treat, try making a chia seed pudding with dark chocolate. Whisk together chia seeds, unsweetened almond milk, a touch of cocoa powder and a small drizzle of honey or maple syrup. Chill it in the fridge and enjoy as a guilt-free chocolate indulgence.

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Cacao Hazelnut Spread
Get the nutty, chocolatey taste of Nutella, but with way less sugar. Blend together roasted hazelnuts, unsweetened cacao powder, a pinch of salt and just a touch of your favourite sweetener. Spread it on toast, use it in baking, or eat it straight off the spoon!

The next time a chocolate craving hits, skip the Nutella and try one of these healthier, homemade chocolate bread alternatives instead. Your taste buds (and waistline) will thank you.

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