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How to lose weight in your sleep

How to lose weight in your sleep

Reducing belly fat will be good for health and increase aesthetics. However, few people know that bedtime habits can effectively reduce belly fat. This article will help readers know what to do before bed to lose weight and belly fat.

How does your sleeping position affect belly fat loss?

Do not sleep on your stomach: This is a position that can cause breathing disturbances, slow down the digestion of food, accumulate fat, and strain the lower back muscles. In addition, lying on the stomach also causes an overload for the joints, thoracic and cervical systems. When the body maintains a stressful situation due to lying on the stomach for a long time, it will produce cortisol, which participates in the process of fat accumulation in the abdomen and accelerates aging.

Side sleeping: This position helps to improve sleep, lose weight and pain. back,
avoid swelling in the legs, buttocks, and thighs. Sleeping on the left side is a good position for the digestive system, avoiding the accumulation of fat. However, sleeping positions should also be changed from time to time to avoid over-stressing the arms.

What to do before bed to reduce belly fat?

·      Create a cool environment in the bedroom, this
will help the body start the fat-burning process to stabilize body temperature.

·      Drink before bed, drinking water before bed like lemonade contains polyphenols that help to get rid of accumulated fat. Grape juice contains resveratrol, which converts white fat to brown, which is easier to burn. Apple juice, ginger tea or strawberry juice are also effective choices.

·      Have a set bedtime and wake-up time to maintain the perfect fat-burning rate.

See Also

·     Do not use electronic devices such as phones, or tablets with blue light, which causes the body to secrete Melatonin, which makes it difficult to sleep.

  •      Exercising before bed like twisting helps the muscles in the abdomen work hard, burns excess fat in the abdomen, and gives an ideal waist.

·      Taking a hot bath before sleeping will help warm up the body, speed up blood
circulation, increase excretion, and help lose weight.

In addition, the muscles are also relaxed and relaxed, leading to better and deeper sleep. When you know what to do before going to bed to lose weight, make a specific plan to do those things.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you can apply it for yourself and quickly lose belly fat and bring your weight back to the ideal index.


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