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Intermittent Fasting Can Cause Death From Heart Disease – Study Allerges

Intermittent Fasting Can Cause Death From Heart Disease – Study Allerges

Intermittent fasting is a popular weight-loss strategy that involves eating all food within an eight-hour window and fasting for the remaining 16 hours of the day.

Intermittent fasting is one of the most trusted weight-loss strategies, but pose a health challenge.

However, a study published by the American Heart Association found that this dieting practice can lead to death from heart disease.

The study, led by Victor Zhong of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, examined data from over 20,000 adults. The researchers investigated participants’ diets through questionnaires and tracked their health outcomes using death records from 2003 to 2019.

According to the study, people who ate only within an eight-hour window were 91% more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who ate within a 12- or 16-hour window.

Zhong explains that while limiting daily eating to just eight hours has become popular for weight loss and heart health, the study aimed to investigate the unknown long-term effects, specifically death risk and heart disease.

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The research found a higher risk of death from heart disease in people who followed the eight-hour eating pattern. Although this type of diet might have short-term benefits, the study suggests it’s not linked to a longer lifespan compared to eating within a more typical 12- to 16-hour window.

It’s important to note that this study has some limitations. The data was self-reported, and other factors that could have led to cardiovascular problems were not discussed.

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