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Movie Recommendations For the Weekend

Movie Recommendations For the Weekend

It’s weekend and a work free day, apart from preparing for work the next week one could find themselves engaging in leisure activities.

Visiting friends, going to recreational spots and having fun just to ease off the stress of the previous week and rekindle with family and friends.

If you are a movie lover, seeing a movie can be relaxing and entertaining too. Here are a few movie recommendation to consider this week:

  1. My Demon (Korean Series)

This movie takes you to the traditional beliefs of the South Koreans and how they infuse it to the modern world, trapped in the cacophony of businesses and emotionally stimulating by love.

2. A Tribe Called Judah (Nollywood)

Here, a mothers love is portrayed as the greatest of all, without blemish and unconditional. A single mother who has gone through the ills of life is faced with a challenge and her sons are left with rather difficult options to save their mother.

3. Aqua-Man

This is one the super hero series which appeals to our minds. A super hero whose powers are connected to water is faced with a challenge to save his home .

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4. MerryMen 3

This movie navigates through the world of gansterism and friendship, and infused with action. It is a masterpiece that is a must watch 

5. Adire 

Movie Recommendations 

Adire is a movie that portrays glimpse of the rich Yoruba culture to its audience while telling a beautiful story of a lady in search of herself.

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