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Scientists Develop Drug That Kills all Cancerous Tumors

Scientists Develop Drug That Kills all Cancerous Tumors

Scientists Develop Drug That Kills all Cancerous Tumors

Scientists have developed a medication that kills all cancerous tumors while leaving healthy cells alone.

A groundbreaking cancer-killing chemical has been unveiled by scientists at the renowned cancer research and treatment institution, City of Hope, in the United States.

The City of Hope team’s breakthrough centres around the Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) protein, which plays an essential role in DNA replication and repair in growing tumours.

The mutant type of PCNA has long been considered difficult to target for therapy, yet the researchers have succeeded.

The affected form of PCNA has long been thought to be difficult to target for therapy, but the researchers have done the unthinkable by creating the chemical AOH 1996, which successfully targets and kills the mutated PCNA, effectively shutting down cancer.

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This therapy results from two decades of hard work in research and development. AOH1996 is named after Anna Olivia Healey (AOH), a young child born in 1996 who unfortunately lost her battle with cancer.

The drug was tested in the lab on 70 distinct cancer cells, including those originating from breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin, and lung cancers, and it was found to be effective against all of them.

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