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The Story Behind The Popularly Celebrated Valentines Day

The Story Behind The Popularly Celebrated Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day always falls on February 14th of every year, it is a day known to be set aside to celebrate love.

Valentine’s Day may be associated with romance, but the origin of the holiday isn’t exactly romantic. 

The Story Behind The Popularly Celebrated Valentines Day

Here’s the history of Valentine’s Day you may not know—

Saint Valentines on whom the holiday is based, the legend of Saint Valentine has several tellings. One legend says that Saint Valentine refused to convert to paganism and was executed by Roman Emperor Claudius II. Prior to his execution, he was able to miraculously heal the daughter of his jailer, who then converted to Christianity along with his family. Another legend says a bishop called Saint Valentine of Terni is the true namesake of the holiday; this Saint Valentine was also executed.

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Another myth has it that Saint Valentine was a Roman priest who performed weddings for soldiers forbidden to marry, because of a Roman emperor’s edict decreeing married soldiers did not make good warriors and thus young men could not marry. This Saint Valentine wore a ring with a Cupid on it—a symbol of love—that helped soldiers recognize him. And, in a precursor to greeting cards, he handed out paper hearts to remind Christians of their love for God.

Because of this legend, Saint Valentine became known as the patron saint of love. The Saint Valentine prayer asks Saint Valentine to connect lovers together, so that two become one, and the couple remembers their devotion to God.

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