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Top 10 tips for solo travellers

Top 10 tips for solo travellers

Happy solo traveler asian woman with hat relax and sightseeing in Thailand
solo backpacker in london

Do your research: take your time to plan ahead before leaving for a solo trip.

Be safety conscious: don’t share your specific location online while you’re still there, be aware of your surroundings and stay connected with people at home about your travel plans.

Be flexible: spontaneous plans are sometimes the best kind and things going “wrong” often lead to the most memorable experiences.

Try something new: whether local cuisines or a new activity, push yourself out of your comfort zone to get the most out of travelling solo.

Stay in a hostel: this can be the best way to meet new and likeminded people for social butterflies.

Learn to love your own company: there’s a freedom to alone time.

Practice local phrases: a “please” and “thank you” in the local language go a long way.

See Also

Utilise public transport: don’t blow your budget on Ubers and taxis if you don’t have to.

Bring back-up: printed documents, portable chargers, emergency cash and travel insurance are solo travel essentials.

Don’t overpack: don’t fall at the first hurdle by bringing your entire wardrobe.

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