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It’s so tiring when you want to buy yoghurt, but you are not sure of the brand to go for and it’s super annoying when you eventually pick one and it ends up tasting bad. 

These are 5 yoghurt brands that are available in Nigeria and can be found in most supermarkets. If you are a lover of yoghurt, then you should read to the end.

  1. Mich and Kay Greek Yoghurt

Defiantly rich and creamy, but surprisingly fat-free, this is a nonfat Greek yoghurt that doesn’t compromise on taste or texture.

  • Farm Fresh Yoghurt

Farm fresh yoghurt is Nigeria’s most loved yoghurt drink. It is made from partly skimmed fresh cow milk and contains live and active culture. This delicious yoghurt drink is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and essential minerals and contains no preservatives.

  • Farm Pride Yoghurt

Farm Pride is a delectable yoghurt beverage that is free of preservatives and high in protein, carbs, vitamins, and essential minerals.

  • Habib Yoghurt

They offer highly nutritional and 100% natural yoghurt with a variety of fresh toppings to stir or blend it. Try the fura blend, it is the ultimate

See Also

  • Hollandia Yoghurt

Hollandia Yoghurt is a healthy drinking yoghurt that gives you great tasting and nourishing goodness for your inner and outer wellbeing it is more of a milk drink, but it is a national favourite, so it had to make it to thus list.

When next you don’t know which yoghurt to buy in the supermarket, choose any of these and you will be glad you did.

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