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What To Know About HPV Vaccine

What To Know About HPV Vaccine

What To Know About HPV Vaccine

HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus. It is a very common virus that can infect both men and women.

There are many types of HPV, and while most are harmless, some can cause serious health problems like cervical cancer in women, as well as other cancers and genital warts in both men and women.

Importance of HPV Vaccine
The HPV vaccine protects against the types of HPV that are most likely to cause cancer and other diseases. Cervical cancer is a major health issue in Nigeria, and the HPV vaccine can prevent most cases of this cancer.

By getting vaccinated, you are taking a big step in protecting yourself from these serious health problems.

Who should get the HPV vaccine?
The HPV vaccine is recommended for boys and girls starting at age 9. It is best to get the vaccine before they become sexually active because the vaccine is most effective if given before exposure to HPV. However, older teens and young adults can also get the vaccine. Even if someone has already been exposed to HPV, the vaccine can still provide protection against other types of the virus.

How does the HPV vaccine work?
The HPV vaccine works by stimulating the body’s immune system to fight the virus.

It is given as a series of shots, usually two or three, depending on the age of the person getting vaccinated. The vaccine does not contain live virus, so it cannot cause HPV infection. Instead, it contains proteins that look like the virus, which help the body build immunity.

Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Yes, the HPV vaccine is very safe. It has been tested in many studies and has been given to millions of people around the world. Like all vaccines, it can cause some side effects, but they are usually mild. The most common side effects are pain at the injection site, headache, and fever. Serious side effects are very rare.

See Also

Common concerns and myths

Myth: The HPV vaccine causes infertility.
Fact: There is no evidence that the HPV vaccine causes infertility. The vaccine is safe and helps prevent serious health issues.
Myth: The HPV vaccine encourages promiscuity.
Fact: Getting vaccinated does not change a person’s sexual behaviour. It is a health measure, just like wearing a seatbelt in a car.
Myth: The HPV vaccine is not necessary if someone is not sexually active.

Fact: The vaccine is most effective when given before any exposure to HPV, which is why it is recommended for young people.

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